Leisure, Tourism & Culture around Bindlach & Bayreuth

On this page we would like to suggest some famous tourists attractions and places to explore that can be easily reached from our hotel by car or public transportation.

We would be glad to assist you with the planning of your stay at the front desk!

Bayreuth´s touristic hot spot!

UNESCO World Heritage Site the Margravial Opera House Bayreuth

Opernhaus Bayreuth

Visit the Margravial Opera House in Bayreuth, which has been included in the list of cultural and natural heritage of the world since June 2012. As a "unique monument of the European festivals and music culture of the Baroque", the committee paid tribute to the 18th century opera house.

When we speak about Culture, there is so much Bayreuth has to offer, but the traveler usually thinks "only" of Richard Wagner and the annual festival dedicated to him.

A detailed city tour brings you closer to Bayreuth.

More Infos: Marktgräfliches Opernhaus


Leisure / Excursion destinations

Lohengrin Therme with a wide range of recreational and health facilities
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Zoo Röhrensee
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Botanical garden
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Main cycle path
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Hike with nature trail in the Rotmain valley
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Hike Theta
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Richard Wagner Museum 
Richard Wagner Museum
Festspielhaus Bayreuth 
Festspielhaus Bayreuth
Eremitage Sonnentempel 
Eremitage Sonnentempel


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The Festspielhaus, designed by the architect Gottfried Semper, can accommodate 2,000 guests and can be visited.
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Richard Wagner Festival - Tickets
Mehr Infos dazu und Tickets

Margravial Opera House Bayreuth (UNESCO World Heritage Site) 
More info

More information Hermitage Bayreuth / Old Castle Margravine Wilhelmine, the sister of Frederick the Great, has shaped the city of Bayreuth significantly. The hobby architect has used sandstone blocks for her buildings, whose design continues to characterize entire streets in Bayreuth to this day. The two outstanding buildings, the "Hermitage" and the "Old Castle" are worth a visit.
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Also worth seeing is the Steingraeber House, which is known worldwide by the famous piano factory, Steingraeber & Söhne. In the Steingraeber house there is a piano exhibition, the Rokkokosaal, and a court theater.
More info

More information about countless opportunities for art and culture, sports and leisure, shopping, etc. awaits you in this lively residential city. Explore, discover and be surprised by the diversity of our beautiful city!

Neues Schloss
Neues Schloss


New Castle:
State Gallery / Archaeological Museum / Museum: The Bayreuth of Wilhelmine / Margravial Staterooms and Bayreuth Faience Collection
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Historisches Museum Bayreuth
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Primeval World Museum Upper Franconia
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Bayreuth Art Museum in the Old Baroque Town Hall
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RWM – Richard Wagner Museum Bayreuth
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Transmar Travel Hotel GmbH
Bühlstrasse 12 · 95463 Bindlach
Tel.: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 100
E-Mail: nftrnsmrhtld
Web: www.transmarhotel.de

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Transmar Bindlach Conferences

Our conferences brochure.
PDF download.


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