Meeting Package

The package mentioned here can be designed and calculated to the needs of the organizer accordingly.

Conference Package “Meet & Go”

  • 1 meeting room according to number of participants and desired seating arrangement
  • standard miscellaneous inclusions (1 projection table, 1 flipchart, 1 pin board, projection wall, pad and pen)
  • Unlimited conference beverages
  • Coffee / tea and mineral water all day in the foyer
  • 1 coffee break in the morning with fruit, yoghurt and hearty snack
  • 1 coffee break in the afternoon with fruit, biscuits and cake
  • Lunch served as 3-course , optional menu or buffet style (number of participants required)
  • Mineral water and juice set at the table

72,50 € per person

The "Meet & Go" package can be availed with a minimum of 10 participants. Below 10 people we charge an additional room rent of 80,00 Euro.

Cancellation conditions are defined by contract.

Our package can be individually designed to your required setting, or supplemented, e.g. with additional dinner.

For pre-arrival or multi-day events, we recommend staying in one of our comfortable hotel rooms. Event rate on request. Basic equipment and options for audio-visual technology.

Basic equipment and additional options Technology

You are planning an event or conference in our house and need the suitable technology?

We are happy to provide you with your individual audio-visual technology offer, for example for sound, lighting and much more.

Our banquet department is always available to assist you. Phone + 49- (0) 9208/6 86-0 or
per E-Mail: tgngtrnsmrhtld

We look forward to your inquiry.


Transmar Travel Hotel -
Conference area - Brochure 2025

Download (PDF)


Stand: Februar 2025



HolidayCheck 2017

HRS Top Quality Hotel

TOP AusbildungsBetrieb


Transmar Travel Hotel GmbH
Bühlstrasse 12 · 95463 Bindlach
Tel.: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9208 / 6 86 - 100
E-Mail: nftrnsmrhtld

Social media and more

Conferences at the Transmar Hotel

Transmar Bindlach Conferences

Our conferences brochure.
PDF download.


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